Winemakers Review

This company was to created to assist those that are passionate about wine, winemaking, wine-growing and viticulture. Our mission is to continue our journey in learning, evolving and creating a better product that is both a reflection of place and time.

Episode 11: Backstage with the Winemaker- The WONDERS of Filtration with Bryan Tudhope of VA Filtration

This Episode 11 is a bit of a geek-fest as we run through what happens to wines when the need to see the doctor! How is smokey wine fixed and can it be, volatile acidity, ethanol, Brettanomyces and many other topics or dare we say 'issues' get addressed here. As winemakers we dont really like to use filtration and its certainly got a bad image....Well no matter how good you are or how big your ego is you will probably have to confront this technique. Nile Zacherle hosts Bryan Tudhope and attempts to break down each of many challenges winemakers are faced with ....or can be faced with. Time to Geek Out!