Winemakers Review

This company was to created to assist those that are passionate about wine, winemaking, wine-growing and viticulture. Our mission is to continue our journey in learning, evolving and creating a better product that is both a reflection of place and time.

Episode 2: Barrel Series - A History of French Oak and American Oak Barrels used in American Winemaking

This episode is a fun round table with three pioneers (Mel Knox, Phil Burton and Alan Poisson) that were there at the beginning of when French oak wine barrels began landing on the docks of the US. They help sell, repair, build as well as innovate what became a billon dollar industry as well as a critical supply line to the burgeoning wine business. American oak barrels went from shaved Bourbon barrels to French style coopered via Nadalie and others which offered a new approach not seen before in winemaking. We begin with their stories and then attempt to detail the events that happened from the 60s through the early 90s. We hope to dip back into this history with episodes to come as many people are a part of this history.

Available on SPOTIFY: