Winemakers Review

This company was to created to assist those that are passionate about wine, winemaking, wine-growing and viticulture. Our mission is to continue our journey in learning, evolving and creating a better product that is both a reflection of place and time.

Episode 3: Barrel Series - Current Winemakers view on style, use and impact of French oak use on wines

This episode is a round table with Bayard Fox, who sells Orion French oak barrels and is a part owner as well as a winemaker under his own label Renard ; Rebecka Wineburg the winemaker for Quintessa as well as her own wines Post and Vine, Michael Terrien Pinot Noir and Chardonnay specialist whos makes his own wines under Terrien as well a wild Blue Berry wine and other consulting wine projects to boot; and Nile Zacherle hosts this episode and works for David Arthur Vineyards where he directs winemaking and viticulture. We do a deep dive into what these vintners think about their barrel programs and perhaps more about what they think in general. Prepare to laugh, learn and hopefully pick something up of interest!

Available on SPOTIFY: